Growth & Value Strategies

From PatientRecovery
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Return to Growth & Value

Improve Patient Behavior

Consumer Experience

Patient Engagement

Determinants of Health

Non-Medical Interventions

Patient Attribution

Improve Physician Behavior

Physician Engagement

Physician Compensation

Efficient Physican Practices Workflow

Behavioral & Physical Health Integration

Team-Based Care

Care Management Programs

Managing Health Team - Roles & Responsibilities (criteria based) Roles, criteria, service levels

Episode Workflow

Effective Clinically Integrated Network (CIN)

Managing Health Partners

Effective Clinically Integrated Network (CIN)

Care Collaboration - Collaboration & Integration Services Integration including Network - Services Integration

Network Management

Performance-Based Contracts - Great Partners - roles, criteria, service levels

Value-Based Care Contracts

Data-Driven Insight

Analytics and Actionable Intelligence

  • Data-Driven Powered - Actionable Intelligence
    • Opportunity
    • Workflow
    • Interventions
    • Performance
  • Data-Driven Powered - Personalization - Patients
  • Data-Driven Powered - Performance Measures
    • Patient Performance
    • Physicians Perfcormance
    • Care Team Performance
    • Partners Performance - Network Management
    • Growth & Value Performance

Enabling IT Infrastructure - Enabling Technology

User Experience -User Experience

Growth & Value Operating Model

Growth & Value - Populations

Financially Sustainable Operating Model

Growth & Value - Performance Management - Population Performance Management

  • Sustainable Financial Operating Model
  • Playbook & Service Level Commitments
  • Operating Model Framework & Governance